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Electric Power Transmission and Distribution by Sivanagaraju: A Book that Explains HVDC Transmission System with Current Source Converters and Voltage Source Converters

HVDC Transmission System by Sivanagaraju PDF Download

High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission system is a technology that allows efficient and reliable transfer of large amounts of electric power over long distances. It has many advantages over conventional alternating current (AC) transmission system, such as lower losses, higher power transfer capability, better voltage regulation, asynchronous interconnection, environmental benefits, etc. However, it also has some disadvantages, such as higher initial cost, complex converter stations, harmonics generation, protection and control issues, etc.

hvdc transmission system by sivanagaraju pdf download

HVDC transmission system consists of three main components: converter stations, transmission lines, and filters. Converter stations convert AC power to DC power at the sending end and DC power to AC power at the receiving end. Transmission lines carry DC power between converter stations. Filters reduce harmonics and improve power quality at both ends.

There are two main types of HVDC transmission system: line commutated converter (LCC) HVDC and voltage source converter (VSC) HVDC. LCC HVDC uses thyristors as switching devices, which can only be turned on by gate signals but turned off by natural commutation. VSC HVDC uses insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) as switching devices, which can be turned on and off by gate signals. LCC HVDC is more mature and widely used, but VSC HVDC is more flexible and promising.

HVDC Transmission System by Sivanagaraju

S. Sivanagaraju is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at JNTU College of Engineering Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India. He has more than 20 years of teaching experience and has published several books and papers on power systems, electrical machines, power electronics, etc.

One of his books is "Electric Power Transmission and Distribution", which covers various aspects of HVDC technology in sufficient depth for beginners as well as professionals. It includes topics such as load forecasting, deregulation, distribution automation, transmission line parameters, LCC HVDC, VSC HVDC, multilevel converters, analytical modelling, phasor modelling, weak AC systems, fault management, harmonics analysis, etc.

The book is available in both print and electronic formats. You can download it in PDF format from various online sources such as PDF Room , Wiley Online Books , Google Books , ResearchGate , etc. The benefits of reading this book are that you can learn the fundamentals and advanced concepts of HVDC transmission system, understand the design and operation principles of different types of converters, analyze and simulate the AC-DC system interactions and stability, and gain insights into the latest developments and trends in HVDC technology.

HVDC Transmission System with Current Source Converters

Current source converters (CSCs) are converters that have a constant DC current at the input and a variable AC voltage at the output. They use thyristors as switching devices, which can only be turned on by gate signals but turned off by natural commutation. CSCs are also known as line commutated converters (LCCs) because they rely on the AC system voltage to provide the commutation.

HVDC transmission system with CSCs has been in operation since the 1950s and is still widely used today. It has several applications and topologies, such as point-to-point, back-to-back, multi-terminal, bipolar, monopolar, etc. It has some advantages over VSCs, such as lower losses, higher power transfer capability, simpler and cheaper converter stations, etc. However, it also has some disadvantages, such as higher harmonics generation, lower power quality, lower controllability, higher reactive power consumption, etc.

HVDC transmission system with CSCs has a lower performance and cost ratio than VSCs. According to a study by Jovcic , the performance index of CSCs is about 0.6-0.8, while the cost index is about 0.7-0.9, compared to VSCs with a performance index of about 0.9-1.0 and a cost index of about 1.0-1.2. Therefore, CSCs are more suitable for bulk power transmission over long distances, while VSCs are more suitable for flexible power transmission over short or medium distances.

HVDC Transmission System with Voltage Source Converters

Voltage source converters (VSCs) are converters that have a constant DC voltage at the input and a variable AC voltage at the output. They use insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) as switching devices, which can be turned on and off by gate signals. VSCs are also known as self commutated converters because they do not depend on the AC system voltage to provide the commutation.

HVDC transmission system with VSCs has been in operation since the 1990s and is rapidly developing today. It has many applications and topologies, such as point-to-point, back-to-back, multi-terminal, bipolar, monopolar, hybrid, etc. It has some advantages over CSCs, such as higher power quality, higher controllability, lower harmonics generation, lower reactive power consumption, asynchronous interconnection, black start capability, etc. However, it also has some disadvantages, such as higher losses, lower power transfer capability, more complex and expensive converter stations, etc.

HVDC transmission system with VSCs has a higher performance and cost ratio than CSCs. According to a study by Jovcic , the performance index of VSCs is about 0.9-1.0, while the cost index is about 1.0-1.2, compared to CSCs with a performance index of about 0.6-0.8 and a cost index of about 0.7-0.9. Therefore, VSCs are more suitable for flexible power transmission over short or medium distances, while CSCs are more suitable for bulk power transmission over long distances.

The latest development in VSC technology is based on modular multilevel converters (MMCs), which are composed of multiple submodules connected in series to form a multilevel waveform at the output. MMCs have several advantages over conventional two-level or multilevel converters, such as lower switching losses, lower harmonics distortion, higher modularity and scalability, higher fault tolerance, etc.

HVDC Transmission System Protection and Control

HVDC transmission system protection and control is one of the most challenging and important aspects of HVDC technology. It involves detecting and isolating faults in the converter stations and transmission lines, maintaining stable operation under normal and abnormal conditions, coordinating with AC systems and other HVDC systems, optimizing power flow and voltage regulation, etc.

There are various methods and techniques for HVDC transmission system protection and control, such as analytical modelling, phasor modelling, fault management strategies, converter station control schemes, AC-DC system interaction analysis, stability assessment methods, etc.

Phasor modelling is a method that uses complex numbers to represent the magnitude and phase angle of AC voltages and currents in HVDC systems under steady-state conditions. It is useful for analyzing the power flow and voltage regulation of HVDC systems .

Fault management strategies are methods that aim to detect and isolate faults in the converter stations and transmission lines, and restore normal operation as soon as possible. They include fault detection and identification, fault location and isolation, fault clearing and recovery, etc. .

Converter station control schemes are methods that aim to control the converter stations to achieve desired objectives such as power transfer, voltage regulation, power factor correction, frequency control, etc. They include firing angle control, extinction angle control, current control, voltage control, power control, etc. .

AC-DC system interaction analysis is a method that aims to study the effects of HVDC systems on AC systems and vice versa, such as stability, power quality, harmonics, resonance, etc. It involves modelling and simulation of both AC and DC systems using appropriate tools and methods .

Stability assessment methods are methods that aim to evaluate the stability of HVDC systems under various disturbances and contingencies. They include eigenvalue analysis, time-domain simulation, frequency-domain analysis, etc. .


In this article, we have discussed the topic of "hvdc transmission system by sivanagaraju pdf download". We have introduced the concept and importance of HVDC transmission system, the main components and types of HVDC transmission system, the advantages and disadvantages of HVDC transmission system, the book "Electric Power Transmission and Distribution" by Sivanagaraju and how to download it in PDF format, the HVDC transmission system with current source converters and voltage source converters, and the HVDC transmission system protection and control.

We have learned that HVDC transmission system is a technology that allows efficient and reliable transfer of large amounts of electric power over long distances. It has many benefits over conventional AC transmission system, but also some drawbacks. There are two main types of HVDC transmission system: LCC HVDC and VSC HVDC. LCC HVDC is more mature and widely used, but VSC HVDC is more flexible and promising. The book "Electric Power Transmission and Distribution" by Sivanagaraju is a comprehensive and useful resource for learning various aspects of HVDC technology. It can be downloaded in PDF format from various online sources. HVDC transmission system protection and control is one of the most challenging and important aspects of HVDC technology. It involves various methods and techniques for detecting and isolating faults, maintaining stable operation, coordinating with AC systems, optimizing power flow and voltage regulation, etc.

We hope that this article has provided you with some valuable information and insights into the topic of "hvdc transmission system by sivanagaraju pdf download". We also hope that you have enjoyed reading it as much as we have enjoyed writing it. If you have any questions or comments about this article or HVDC technology in general, please feel free to contact us or leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you.


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about HVDC transmission system:

  • What are the applications of HVDC transmission system?

HVDC transmission system has many applications such as:

  • Interconnecting asynchronous AC systems

  • Connecting remote renewable energy sources to load centers

  • Increasing power transfer capability of existing AC lines

  • Improving voltage regulation and stability of AC systems

  • Reducing environmental impact of power transmission

  • What are the challenges of HVDC transmission system?

HVDC transmission system has some challenges such as:

  • High initial cost and complexity of converter stations

  • Limited availability and reliability of switching devices

  • Harmonics generation and filtering requirements

  • Protection and control issues under faults and disturbances

  • Interactions and impacts with AC systems

  • What are the advantages of VSC over LCC?

VSC has some advantages over LCC such as:

  • Higher power quality and controllability

  • Lower harmonics generation and reactive power consumption

  • Asynchronous interconnection and black start capability

  • Independent control of active and reactive power

  • Higher modularity and scalability

  • What are the disadvantages of VSC over LCC?

VSC has some disadvantages over LCC such as:

  • Higher losses and lower power transfer capability

  • More complex and expensive converter stations

  • Limited availability and reliability of switching devices

  • Higher switching frequency and voltage stress

  • Lower fault tolerance and robustness

  • What are the future trends of HVDC transmission system?

HVDC transmission system has some future trends such as:

  • Development of new switching devices and converter topologies

  • Integration of renewable energy sources and energy storage systems

  • Expansion of multi-terminal and hybrid HVDC systems

  • Formation of DC transmission grids and DC microgrids

  • Application of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques



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