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Rangeela Rasool English Translation Full Download

Rangeela Rasool: A Controversial Book on the Life of Muhammad

Rangeela Rasool ( transl. Colourful Prophet) is a book published anonymously in Urdu in 1924. The book was considered highly controversial due to its satire of the marital life of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Its publication led to reforms in India's penal code that made blasphemy illegal and may have contributed to promote the partition of India.

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Rangeela Rasool was published by members of the Hindu community in response to a pamphlet entitled "Sitaka Chinala" published by members of the Muslim community and that depicted the Hindu goddess Sita (wife of Rama, the hero of the Ramayana) as a prostitute.


Rangeela Rasool was published in May 1924 and its copies sold out in a matter of a few weeks. Originally published in Urdu and later translated into Hindi, it was written by a member of the Hindu reformist Arya Samaj sect by the name of Pandit Chamupati. The Arya Samaj sect was no stranger to religious controversy, as many of its leaders and ministers had made a name for themselves offending other religions, including other Hindu sects.

Its publisher was Mahashe Rajpal, a journalist who founded his publishing house 'Rajpal & Sons' in 1912. Rajpal published the book anonymously, without disclosing or making public the name of the author (Chamupati) despite public pressure and threats, for which Rajpal bore the subsequent legal consequences. As a publisher Rajpal became recognized in various social circles in Lahore, as he was committed to freedom of expression and did not shy from controversial issues, even publishing a Hindi translation of Marie Stopes "Married Love" in 1925 under the title of "Vivahit Prem" and an illustrated text on family planning and contraception in 1926, both written by B. A. Santram, a scholar and social reformer member of the labor caste.


The book deals with the marriages of Muhammad and his predisposition to take wives. Being a satire, Rangeela Rasool had a surface appearance of a lyrical and laudatory work on Muhammad and his teachings, while the marital life of the prophet is treated in a praising tone, in the style of a bhakti (that is, a show of devotion to a god or saint in the Hindu tradition), and some of the controversial points of the book are in fact faithful to what the Islamic tradition indicates about the life of Muhammad. This was because the author was familiar with Islamic literature.

In one part, the author cites characteristics of the prophet, highlighting his ability to marry, which included "a widow, a virgin, an old woman, a young woman... even a budding girl", and insists on how the active sexuality of marriage is more compatible with the common man in contrast with lifelong celibacy of Hindu saints or the asceticism of other prophets.


The book provoked outrage among Muslims, who considered it an insult to their prophet and their religion. Several Muslim leaders demanded that the book be banned and that Rajpal be punished for publishing it. In 1927, Rajpal was arrested under section 153A of the Indian Penal Code, which prohibited promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion. However, he was acquitted by the Lahore High Court on the grounds that there was no proof that he intended to hurt religious feelings or incite violence.

This verdict angered many Muslims, who felt that their sentiments were not respected by the law. In 1929, Ilm-ud-din, a young carpenter and an avid reader of Islamic literature, stabbed Rajpal to death in his shop. Ilm-ud-din was hailed as a hero and a martyr by many Muslims, who raised funds for his legal defense and celebrated his funeral procession. He was defended by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who later became the founder of Pakistan, but was convicted and hanged for murder.

The assassination of Rajpal sparked communal riots and violence between Hindus and Muslims in several parts of India. It also led to legislative changes that made blasphemy punishable by law. In 1929, section 295A was added to the Indian Penal Code, which criminalized deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings by insulting any religion or religious beliefs. This section is still in force in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, and has been used to prosecute and persecute many writers, artists, activists and minorities for alleged blasphemy.

English Translation

There is no official or authorized English translation of Rangeela Rasool available online or in print. However, there are some unofficial and incomplete translations that can be found on the internet. One such translation is by Muhammad Rafi, who uploaded a PDF file of his work on the Internet Archive in 2012. The PDF file contains 58 pages of the original Urdu text along with the English translation. The translation is not very accurate or fluent, and contains many grammatical and spelling errors. The translator also admits that he has not translated some parts of the book that he found too offensive or irrelevant.

The PDF file can be accessed from the following link: [Rangeela Rasool by Muhammad Rafi].


  • [Rangila Rasul - Wikipedia]

  • [Rangeela Rasul : Muhammad Rafi : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive]


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