Dorfromantik Download PC Game
Dorfromantik is a relaxing building strategy and puzzle game in which you place tiles to create ever-growing, idyllic village landscapes. With Dorfromantik, you can immerse yourself in a quiet, peaceful world at any time and take a break from everyday life. At the same time, Dorfromantik offers a challenge for those who are looking for one: To beat the highscore, you need to carefully plan and strategically place your tiles. In Dorfromantik you start with a stack of procedurally generated tiles. One after the other, you draw the top tile of the stack, place it on one available slot and rotate for the best fit. Thereby groups and combinations of landscapes are formed, such as forests, villages or water bodies, and you are rewarded with points depending on how well the tile fits. On some tiles you will also encounter special objects that give you a quest: For example, the windmill wants to border 6 grain fields, the locomotive wants to be connected to 10 tracks or the deer wants to inhabit a forest with at least 50 trees. Fulfill these quests to get more tiles to continue the expansion of your landscape. The game ends when the tile stack is used up. As you expand the landscape, you can advance into new, colorful biomes and discover pre-placed game objects that give you long-term tasks. Through these tasks you can unlock new tiles, new biomes and new quests.
Dorfromantik Download PC Game
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On some tiles you will also encounter special objects that give you a quest: For example, the windmill wants to border 6 grain fields, the locomotive wants to be connected to 10 tracks or the deer wants to inhabit a forest with at least 50 trees. Fulfill these quests to get more tiles to continue the expansion of your landscape. The game ends when the tile stack is used up.
Since the number of records is limited, you only get new ones if you complete tasks or with a certain number of points. The tasks appear randomly and mostly consist of reaching a certain size of a biome. That means, for example, to connect seven or more panels with the same biome (forest, field, houses, etc.). In between, rivers, railroad tracks, and ports/stations need to be implemented. If you run out of records, the game is over.
Dofromantik is a peaceful building strategy and puzzle game. Create a beautiful and ever-growing village landscape with tiles. You can choose from a variety of biomes, and discover and unlock new tiles. Here, you can immerse yourself in a quiet peaceful world that is also equally challenging. Reach a high score by carefully planning and strategically placing tiles. Create groups or a combination of landscapes and you will be rewarded with points.
The quests can be found on a number of tiles. Examples of quests can be to clump a certain number of trees or houses together or gather a certain amount of rails together. New players may miss the instructions so it is important to read them carefully. You will receive 4 tiles after each quest; however, the demo version of this game only has 75 tiles. Its full version will have an unlimited supply of tiles.
FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTSDorfromantik (c) Toukana Interactive / Toukana InteractiveA relaxing building strategy and puzzle game in which you place tiles to create ever-growing idyllic countryside landscapes. At any time, you can immerse yourself in a quiet, calm world and take a break from your daily routine. At the same time, Dorfromantik offers a challenge for those looking for it: to break the record, you need to carefully plan and strategically place your tiles.
This is the original Prototype game idea for Dorfromantik created in April 2020 for Ludum Dare 46. This free prototype got submitted and accepted for the "Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality" as a free game.
After getting lots of positive feedback we decided to start working on a full game based on this game idea. The full game DORFROMANTIK was released on Steam and GOG on March 25th 2021 by our newly formed studio Toukana - you can download our Presskit HERE. If you like the Dorfromantik Prototype and would like to stay up to date, please consider following us on Twitter or on our Itch-page.
Thanks for the awesome game! It'd be great if I could disable the mouse-wheel for rotation, and only use it for zooming. As it is, I sometimes have to struggle to find a bit of background in order to be able to zoom. Also, when zooming in, the background may "go away" from under the cursor, which then ends up over a tile, and starts rotating it. Perfect otherwise :)
I mainly play this game on my desktop but I also have a 32 bit ARM64 laptop. I wasn't able to even download the game (steam prevented me since it wouldn't work on my laptop), but I am able to download and install it now on my laptop. Whenever I open it, however, I get a steam error message saying "the game you are installing requires a 64bit version of Windows". Was this some sort of error on steams behalf? If not, are you guys going to make a 32 bit version?
You donated 5$ in total for the whole bundle of 1000+ projects, games, free demos and prototypes (like ours), music, comics etc for a good cause.The real game Dorformantik wasn't even out yet.There is currently a free Demo for Dorformantik on Steam available until may 9th if you are interested in our game which we developed fulltime for a year now: Dorfromantik on Steam (
Well they didnt have to put their game into the bundle. After all it was free at that time and we still bought it. If you paid for software and want the newest version thats not entitlement, that should be your right. Doesnt matter at what price you bought it, it was part of a bundle and they werent forced to put their game in the bundle. They did it because they were ok with the conditions. But now it was only a prototype. You support the developer buying and playing an alpha version and then comes the full release and you have to buy the game again. You wouldnt want that to happen, would you?
Idk, this entire bundle looks more like a charity drive with the added benefit of getting a huge amount of games.I thought the whole point of buying the Racial Equality bundle was to support a good cause not getting as much value as possible out of it?
It is for charity, you are right. But why put a free game in the bundle? I paid for something that is or rather was free. And I do mind that but its ok because there are other nice things in the bundle. But clearly there is no benefit for me having a free game in the bundle. But if you as a developer decide to put the game in this bundle then have the decency and give the people who paid for the game the game. Give the people Updates of the game and dont declare the game a "Prototype" when clearly it wasnt. They wanted publicity back then and now they want money. If it truly were for charity then why wont they give the updated version of the game? I dont want this game for free just because it was free. It was the develpers decision to give me this game in the bundle. They put it there and I bought it. And now people demand to get the product they bought and suddenly it was all along a "Prototype" with the same name, mostly same gameplay, same everything or to put in in better describing words: an outdated Version of a game. That is no good business practice, it is in fact bad business practice. And I dont want this to happen to any other game because if it does you can never be sure if you have to pay for future updates for any game, or not.
My brother-in-law streamed this game to me and I decided to buy it immediately. The game is so nice I also want to buy it for my mother :D She likes puzzle and relaxing games, but she usually plays on iPad. Is the game available on mobile, or do you have plans to port it?
Hi guys,I don't know whether this has already been commented, but I think that bridges would be a very good addition to the game. I think that it suits the feel of the game very well. With a bridge I mean a train track that goes over a river.
- probably the most important is: don't call it "game over" and play that bummer music and a "try again"-Button. That always sounds like the player lost the game and needs to try again. Rather say something like "session ended", show a lot of statistics where the player was successfull, e.g. "the longest train route", the most distance between tiles, most tiles, biggest city, ... whatever simply list a few interesting improvements that the player never got before. And then call the button "next session"
The prototype was just bundled in as part of the full package, and that was it. You wont get the full game for owning that bundle when it comes to itch, that was never part of the deal. IIRC it has been stated that it will eventually come to itch but, again, you will have to pay whatever price the devs put on it when that happens. If you want it now, go grab it now from the available stores. Hope this helps!
- I'd also like a mission tracker in-game; a pull-out, maybe. Once the board gets big, it becomes easy to lose track of the mission flags and forget about something you were building on the other side of the board.
Can you please update the version and provide a download link? I understand you're a small team but it's kind of shitty to put out a new version on Steam and GoG and prevent people that already own the game from accessing it. 041b061a72